Can You Take Photos In The Monte-Carlo Casino?

Monte-Carlo Casino is one of Monaco’s most popular and luxurious tourist attractions, and with its rich history and beautiful architecture, it’s not hard to see why. If you’re one of the many people visiting Monte-Carlo each year, you’ll want to take pictures of your trip and experience to share with others later.

However, you may wonder if you can take photos while visiting before you snap away; you must know whether or not photos are allowed in Monte-Carlo Casino, especially if you have an incredibly expensive camera. This article will help you understand whether or not you can take photos at Monte-Carlo Casino and where and when it’s OK to do so.

Can you take photos in the Monte-Carlo casino? Yes, You can take photos in the Monte-Carlo casino, but there are some rules you need to follow and permissions to take from the management.

What Is The Monte-Carlo Casino?

The Monte-Carlo Casino is a world-renowned casino with over 2,500 slot machines and 100 table games. The casino is located on the French Riviera in Monaco and offers visitors a wide variety of entertainment options, including concerts by international stars, and is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

In addition to the casino’s regular operations is also home to the World Series of Poker Europe Tournament, the Monaco Grand Prix Formula One race, and other major sporting events.

What Are The Rules For Taking Photos In The Monte-Carlo Casino?

The Monte-Carlo Casino does not allow photos with cameras or phones inside the casino. Staff will confiscate any devices used to take photographs without permission. The only exception is for professional photographers, to who the casino has granted permission.

For starters, you’re only allowed to take photos when nobody is using a gaming table; that means you must be careful about photographing poker games. If a game has just finished and there are still cards on the table, it’s probably safe to snap away.

You must also stay five meters from gaming tables or slot machines. But that’s not all! If you’re taking photos with your phone or camera, make sure that your flash is off and that you don’t hold up your phone like a selfie stick (this could be considered video recording).

As a general rule, casinos prohibit photography that could interfere with other players’ chances or the game’s outcome.

Read also: Can I enter to the Casino in Monte-Carlo?

Are There Any Photo Restrictions In The Casino?

There are no restrictions on taking photos of the casino’s interior, but there are certain areas you cannot take photographs of. The main rule is that you cannot take photographs anywhere where people are playing roulette or gambling.

This includes tables with croupiers and also inside the private game rooms. However, some parts of the casino do not allow photography, such as on the first floor and in most restaurants. Security guards will ask to see your phone if they see you taking a photo, and they will delete it if they can tell it is from inside a restricted area.

Some casinos go even further and prohibit any photography inside the actual gaming rooms themselves. This includes stills and videos taken from within arm’s reach of the table – anything that could give away a player’s hand.

If you decide to break these rules, be prepared for a stern reprimand from your casino hostess or manager – and possibly a hefty fine!

What Are The Different Types Of Photo Permits?

Many types of photo permits can be used to take photos in the Monte-Carlo casino. Some people purchase a general photo permit to take photos anywhere in the casino.

In contrast, others buy a photo permit for specific areas, such as the gaming floor or the VIP areas. Special photo permits, such as the press pass, allow journalists to take photos during press conferences and other events.

How To Get A Photo Permit In Monte Carlo Casino

You will need a photo permit to take photos in the Monte-Carlo Casino. The permit cost is €10 and can be obtained from the casino’s reception. When obtaining the permit, you must also present your passport or national ID card.                                                      

How To Take Photos In The Monte-Carlo Casino?      

If you’re looking to snap some photos in the Monte-Carlo Casino, don’t worry – they’re not as complicated as you might think. Here are a few tips to help you take great shots without any trouble:

1) Try to avoid taking photos inside the casino itself. The lights and bright colors can be overwhelming, and getting good shots without being in the right place at the right time is difficult. Instead, head out onto the streets outside and take advantage of the stunning views of the city.

2) Ensure your camera is set to manual mode if you want to control your photo’s appearance. This will give you more control over how light and shadows are affected, which can create some amazing results.

3) If you’d like to capture a more candid shot, try standing close to someone else so that their body prevents unwanted light from hitting your subject. This will also make it easier for them to relax and strike a pose – perfect for capturing those spontaneous moments        

Where Are The Best Spots In The Casino To Take Photos?

The casino is open to the public, so there’s no need to worry about getting stopped or turned away by security. However, if you’re going to take photos with your phone, it’s best to stick close to the walls and avoid the middle of the floor where all of the gaming tables are.

A very good spots for taking a selfie is at the entrance when you walk in. It’s fun to capture what’s happening on either side of you and a quick snap of yourself!

What Should I Wear At The Casino?

  • T-shirts, Bermuda shorts, and sports shoes are OK.
  • Men cannot wear tank tops, sportswear, shorts, beach skirts, holey or faded jeans, running shoes, sandals, or flip-flops.
  • Sweatshirts, T-shirts with short sleeves, and shorts are not permitted.
  • Dark sports shoes, dark pants, or stylish casual shoes are acceptable.


Suppose you’re looking to take some amazing photos while in the Monte-Carlo casino, be prepared to shell out some cash. While there are plenty of places where you can snap a selfie or two without spending a fortune, it’s important to be aware that taking photos in the casino is not free. If you want to capture all the action and revelry going on inside, expect to pay for your photo ops — whether using a digital camera or snapping away with your phone.