Does It Snow In Monaco?

If you’ve ever wondered whether or not it snows in Monaco, you’re not alone. The small country of Monaco isn’t home to the largest city, but that doesn’t mean its history isn’t worth knowing and its weather isn’t worth understanding.

Many tourists and expatriates wonder whether or not it snows in Monaco during winter, including those who live nearby on the French Riviera. Here, we answer this question to help tourists make the most of their trip!

Does it snow in Monaco? The short answer is yes, Monaco does experience snowfall! But only a very small amount. The city is located in the Maritime Alps and typically sees sizable winter snow; it has quirks. One of those quirks is that it does not usually Snow there. The Snow accumulates quickly and doesn’t stick around for too long. Snowfall in Monaco typically doesn’t last more than a few days, so if you’re looking to spend your holiday in a snowy environment, you may be disappointed.

Monaco is one of the most famous places in the world, especially if you’re into high-stakes gambling and red carpets. However, many people don’t realize that this tiny principality experiences Snow! When people think about Monaco, they picture sunny skies, blue water, and palm trees swaying in the breeze—not freezing temperatures and snowy mountainsides.

Despite this image of the tiny country tucked away between France and Italy, you can be sure that Monaco gets Snow just like any other place in Europe.

As you’ll see, there is a lot of conflicting information on this topic. While everyone’s view likely differs depending on the season, we did our best to compile some reliable data on whether or not it snows in Monaco.

What Is The Weather Like In Monaco?

Monaco has a temperate climate with mild winters and occasionally hot, dry summers. In the winter, the temperature usually stays around freezing but can drop as low as -10 degrees Celsius. Due to Monaco’s location, it rarely snows in the nation.

However, heavy snowfall is possible during winter storms that hit the Iberian Peninsula. The best time to visit Monaco for skiing is from December to March.

In the summer, temperatures can soar up to 30 degrees Celsius, but they also tend to stay quite humid, so bringing a lot of water with you is important. The best time to visit Monaco for hiking and sightseeing is in early July, when the temperatures are cooler but still very pleasant.

What Happens If It Snows In Monaco?

Monaco is a Mediterranean country; therefore, it experiences a lot of precipitation. The season for Snow in Monaco starts from early November until late March, with a peak during Christmas.

However, this varies greatly because Snow tends to accumulate more in lower elevations near the sea than at higher elevations. If enough Snow accumulates on the ground before a storm, then Snow will stick to cars and roofs.

It’s also important to note that while it usually snows heavily in Monaco during winter, it doesn’t always stay that way.

Occasionally storms will move through quickly and without much accumulation, or they can linger and produce more than an inch of Snow daily.

If you’re planning on traveling to Monaco during the winter months and want to be prepared for possible weather conditions, bring some heavy clothes (a heavy coat is recommended), gloves, hats, scarves, and boots. Most importantly, ensure your vehicle is ready for possible road closures and slippery conditions.

When Does It Snow In Monaco?

Monaco enjoys a Mediterranean climate, meaning the country experiences hot summers and cool winters. Winters in Monaco can be bitterly cold, with temperatures reaching as low as 10 degrees Celsius (50 degrees Fahrenheit).

However, most of the time, it only snows for a few days every year. The Monaco ski resort operates from December to February.

How Much Snow Falls In Monaco?

Monaco averages around 55 cm (22 in) of Snow annually, but this varies greatly depending on the year. In some years, there is hardly any snow; in others, like in 2014, when over 80 cm (31 in) fell, it can be quite challenging to get around.

What To Expect On A Snow Day In Monaco

Snow is a popular winter holiday in many parts of the world but is seldom seen in Monaco. Regardless, it can be a spectacular event when it does Snow here.

The city is blanketed with a fresh layer of powdery Snow that makes for gorgeous photos and excitingly adventurous walks. Monaco’s famous casino streets are usually packed with people taking pictures and soaking up the festive atmosphere on snow days!

How To Get Around On A Snow Day In Monaco

Monaco does experience snowfall during the colder months, but it is not as frequent or deep as in some European countries. When it snows, there are a few ways to get around.

One option is to take public transportation. Trains run frequently and will likely get you around the city without too much trouble.

Another option is to use a snow shovel. This can be especially helpful if you live in an area with a lot of snowfall, like Monte Carlo or La Condamine. Make sure to clean up after yourself!

How Often Do They Measure The Snow There?

Snow is a rare occurrence in Monaco. The last time it snowed there was in 2012, and the last time it snowed more than five centimeters was in 1962.

Most Snow that falls usually melts within a day or two due to warm temperatures and a lack of precipitation. However, when it does Snow, there are some pretty amazing pictures of the white powdery substance covering everything.

The Monégasque Way Of Life In The Wintertime

Monaco is a country that enjoys a temperate climate with mild winters. Much of the countryside is covered in forest and hills, making for picturesque views at any time. However, wintertime in Monaco can be quite charming and festive.

Most indoor activities include skiing, tobogganing, skating, and playing chess or card games. The restaurants are full of warm food and wine.

The streets are brightly lit and decorated with holiday lights. And there’s always plenty of laughter from the traditional cafes perched atop the hilltops looking down on the city below.

Monaco is known for its fashion designers, such as Armani, Chanel, and Louis Vuitton. They set up shop here during the 1960s when tax laws were revised to make it more attractive for wealthy foreigners to live in Monaco rather than France or Italy, where they would have had to pay higher taxes.


Does it snow or not? It depends on the season – in winter, yes but rarely; in summer, no. But whether or not there’s Snow on the ground during your visit to Monaco is really up to luck! Make sure you pack some warm clothes and sturdy shoes if you plan to go outside during your stay.